Thursday, April 17, 2014


My little bug is in LOVE with all the purple flowers she is seeing right now. Part of these are growing in our yard...because they are weeds. Her poor little heart couldn't understand why we were pulling out her flowers. As she sat in my lap, we talked about weeds. How they grew quickly and often were deceptively beautiful. They weren't "helper" plants but actually killed the grass we want to grow. She was soon helping pull them out, but stopped to smell almost every one. *heart melting* 

I took the opportunity to talk with both kids about the weeds in our lives. The things that Satan warps to look good, but ultimately chokes out the true goodness in our lives. They may be young but they listened. Little bear asked if it was like the rumor weed on VeggieTales. (See, I told ya they were listening) 

God was speaking to our little family through those little purple flowers. Calling us to look closely at our lives and find the weeds. Calling us to eliminate the things that occupy our time but serve no purpose in bringing God glory or furthering the kingdom. It is a toe cruncher for sure! 

Dear Lord,

Give my eyes and heart the necessary filter to keep the weeds pulled out. Help us to fill our days with actions to serve your purpose. Thank you for the teachable moments you place before me. Thank you for the beauty you surround is with. 


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